Hope Town

Frank and Carol came over from Marsh Harbour and took a slip at the Lighthouse Marina.  They got lucky as someone decided to vacate a slip in the marina sooner than planned.  We remained anchored outside the harbor and brought our dinghy in once they were settled.  We were soon headed up the stair of the lighthouse for an elevated view of the surrounding area.  It is amazing how far you can see even when you are only 110 feet above the low lying cays and flat ocean.  We took a number of pictures to include one of Foreign Affair at anchor.

Hope Town Harbour - View from the Light
After visiting the lighthouse, we took the dinghy across the harbor to explore the settlement. We visited the local museum which was located in one of the oldest houses in the village.  The gentleman who collected our admission fee gave us a brief overview of the history of Hope Town after which we toured the museum and examined the exhibits on our own.  There was a 30 minute video which was very informative covering the history of the Abacos.

Delivery Barge - Almost Everything Is Shipped To the Islands

We went to Munchies for dinner.  It is an open air, take-away establishment.  The food was very good and significantly less expensive than if we were at a local restaurant.  We found a comfortable spot at a table under a wonderful shade tree.  There was a breeze that made us very comfortable as we ate fried conch, French fries along with mac and cheese.

Munchies Take Away

We headed back to the dinghy dock, boarded the dinghy, retrieved our stern anchor and returned to Hakuna Matata for some Goombay Smash.  The wifi was very good at the dock.  So, we updated our charts and checked the weather to discuss our plans for the next few days.  We parted ways after our cups were drained.  The wind was picking up and we wanted to get back to Foreign Affair before it got dark.  Once again, it was a great day in the Bahamas.

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