Wet End to Great Sale Cay

We finally got a decent weather window and departed the Old Bahama Bay Marina and Resort.  It was a bit breezy and getting out of our slips required assistance.  Claus and two neighboring boaters came over to see us off. It took three people each securing cleated lines to windward to keep us centered in the slip as we backed out. Our bow blew off as soon as the bow line was released and we ended up backing down the entire fairway and out into the turning basin before we were able to get the bow back into the wind. The first challenge of the day is behind us.

Hakuna Matata anchored off Great Sale Cay

Foreign Affair led out with Hakuna Matata close behind. The waves outside the channel were short period 4 footers and hitting us head on.  There was a lot of clattering going on below deck as some items had not been properly stowed as we did not expect it to be as rough as it was and learned a lesson from it.  Always expect the worst.  Fortunately, we only had to endure the pounding for about a half hour before entering Indian Cut.

The further we got into Indian Cut, the calmer the seas and the shallower the water.  We made our transit at high tide and took great care to stay on track going from waypoint to waypoint.  The water is gin clear and confusing to read to the uneducated eye. The sandy bottom always looks either too shallow or deep enough and you seem to always be guessing wrong. It took about an hour to finally get through the cut and past the Barracuda Shoal and enter deep water. We started calling anything over 8 feet “deep water”. Eventually, we started getting used to this fact and were more relaxed by the end of the day.

We passed close by Mangrove Cay.  It is not a big island but would offer some protection as an anchorage.  We continued on to Great Sale Cay since we had sufficient daylight to do so. We arrived there at 1630 which was great as we like to be at anchor in time to relax, watch the sun go down and make sure we have a good anchor set.  There were several other boats in the anchorage. Some were heading to West End or Florida.  Others, like us, were heading south through the Abacos.  It was a great day to be on our way.  We are looking forward to tomorrow.

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