Soldier Cay, Berry Islands to West End, Grand Bahama

We spent the morning at anchor admiring the beauty of Soldier Cay and the surrounding islands.  These are very small and very low lying islands with predominantly scrub vegetation and a few trees.  The water is crystal clear.  Grass blades growing in the white sandy bottom appear as if they are only a foot below the surface even in 15 feet of water.  We watched a few fish swim by the boat as if we were peering into the top of an aquarium.  There was no wind to disturb the water’s surface which enhanced the notion you were looking at the objects below as if through a sheet of glass.  No need for snorkel gear here.  Just look down from the boat.

Soldier Cay - Berry Islands

We departed at noon so as to arrive at West End shortly after dawn.  It takes about 20 hours to cover the 100 nautical miles between Soldier Cay and West End.  We have to navigate through the Northwest Providence Channel which is a major shipping route.  The largest concentration of shipping is found on the approaches to Freeport which serves as a primary distribution point for goods coming into the Bahamas.  Cruise ships also travel these waters to gain access to their “private island beaches” on the Stirrup Cays at the north end of the Berrys.  While making our passage we saw one cruise ship and had six cargo ships in sight at one time as we were nearing Freeport.  We saw no other sailboats or private yachts during the night.  Conditions for our passage were excellent with the exception of the wind being very light.  We had a full moon and very calm seas.

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