Shopping in Pajamas and Fort Clinch

When we went down Centre Street to do some grocery shopping in the morning, we found the street bustling with activity and discovered many of the shoppers in the historic district were in their pajamas. It has become customary for the stores to offer big discounts to those shopping in their pajamas on Black Friday.  Everyone seemed to be having a great time and there was no shoving or scrambling for the limited offers like at the big box stores.

Fort Clinch Main Gate

Fort Clinch

After lunch we went to Fort Clinch.  Fort Clinch is the most recent of several forts built to protect the entrance to the St. Marys River and Cumberland Sound. Construction began in 1847 and continued through the American Civil War.  It was used by the military as recently as World War II.  Today, the fort and the surrounding area is a Florida State Park.

After returning the rental car, we spent some time in the Fernandina Beach historic district, got some ice cream and picked up some fresh shrimp for dinner at the seafood company located next to the marina. Many of the Rally group went into town for entertainment.  We spent some time on Do Wha Diddy Diddy listening to Jere and Rob play guitar in preparation for entertaining listeners tomorrow night. All of the Rally fleet is finally together again in the same marina.  It has been a very fun and interesting Thanksgiving weekend so far.

The weather was generally good.  The winds had died down some and the sun came out periodically to brighten our day.  People were enjoying themselves at the waterfront and many walked the marina docks admiring some of the beautiful boats.  Two in particular got a lot of attention. The AB 116 Diamond was the star of the power boats and the Gunboat Elvis was the most impressive sailboat. Diamond is for sale. If you show up to buy in your pajamas you might get a big discount.  Check the following link if you are interested.

Elvis was docked right next to us and we had people walking by to take a look at her late into the evening.

Diamond an AB 116

Diamond's Garage


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