Casablanca to Paris to Moscow

We woke at 3:30 a.m.  Took breakfast at 4:00 and were in our cab on our way to the airport by 4:30.  We arrived at our gate 20 minutes before loading for our Air France flight to Moscow via Paris.  The roughly 3 hour flight to Paris was uneventful as we slept most of the way.  Upon our arrival, we had to rush through security checks again to catch our noon flight to Moscow.  We hardly had time to stop at the restroom before boarding for our 4 hour flight to Moscow.  Lunch was served shortly after takeoff.  It was fish, potatoes, salad, bread, cheese, a fruit tart and wine.  All in all, it was better than most food served on airlines.  Our bags were among the first to be found on the baggage claim.  We hit the ATM for some cash and were soon off to catch the airport express train and a subway to Moscow's main train and subway hub.  We attempted to purchase our tickets for our Trans-Siberian/Trans-Mongolian railway tickets to Bejing.  However, the international ticket windows were closed and no one was able to help us get tickets.  So, it was decided to grab a cab and head to our hotel.  There we checked in and ate our supper of salami, black bread, potato chips, an orange and some oreo cookies with tea and milk.  It was a long day but everything went well with the exception of getting our tickets for Bejing.  We will try again tomorrow.  The train leaves the following day.

Moscow Airport Express Train

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