Fort Lauderdale to West Palm Beach

We had a wonderful day on the water today.  The temperatures were in the mid-70s, sunny and a slight breeze.  We left the Las Olas Bridge anchorage in time to make the 0745 opening of the Las Olas Bridge heading south to the Lauderdale Marina for fuel and a pump-out.  Enough and Hakuna Matata traveled with us.  We passed through the Las Olas Bridge heading north at 0845.  We made good progress as we were timing the bridge openings to allow us to continually move forward without delay.  We passed through 17 bridges before deciding to anchor.  We originally intended to anchor in the Lake Worth north anchorage; however, we arrived at the Flagler Bridge an hour and fifteen minutes before the next opening and decided to anchor just south of the bridge rather than wait to only proceed another three miles.

There was plenty of room in the anchorage as we are at the tail end of the cruisers heading north after wintering in Florida or the Bahamas.  West Palm Beach has great docks for getting ashore.  We didn't have time to take a shore excursion; however, we plan to spend more time here sometime in the future.

Foreign Affair at anchor - West Palm Beach

Another Hakuna Matata

Sundowners were on Hakuna Matata.  Of interest, we discovered there was another Hakuna Matata in the anchorage.  Of course, we had to take a picture.  Hakuna Matata is a song in the movie, Lion King, and it means "no worries for the rest of your days".  Frank and Carol have recently retired and hope to have no worries for the rest of their days.   We all know that is unlikely as they own a boat.  It is not if but when something is going to go wrong on your boat.  Fortunately, we had no problems today and hope to have none "for the rest of our days".

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