Seven Seas Cruising Association - Commodore Designation

2017 will be one of our most memorable years.  Foreign Affair took us thousands of miles during our travels along the US East Coast and The Bahamas.  Upon our return from 80 days exploring The Bahamas, we were nominated for Commodore status in the Seven Seas Cruising Association.  We consider this an honor and significant achievement.  Our SSCA Commodore burgee recently arrived in the mail.  With it comes responsibility.  We are expected to continue to serve as exemplary models for others.  Experienced cruisers know they will eventually face some challenging situations and must be self-reliant because help is not always readily available.  Responsible cruisers "pay it forward".  They share what they have learned with others so they too can marvel at the wonderful life they are experiencing and to help them better prepare for the inevitable challenges.  We are grateful to all those who helped us in so many ways in the past and look forward to doing the same for others.

Seven Seas Cruising Association - Commodore


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