Preparing to Head Home for the Holidays

We woke early to help Jamie and Hailey get underway. They had a beautiful sunny day with favorable winds for their journey south. It was a bit chilly when they departed and it would feel colder once they were a few miles off-shore with nothing blocking the wind. We felt a little sorry for them at first, until we realized the cold weather here must feel pretty mild compared to what they were used to in Alaska. They did have plenty of warm weather gear with them and we didn't hear them complaining about how cold it was. They left with a smile bound for Florida and the Bahamas.

A Clean Bilge
We have an extensive list of things that must be done before we leave Foreign Affair for an extended period of time. The engine and transfer oil were changed. New fuel filters were installed and the fuel tank filled. The batteries were checked. The holding tank was pumped out. The water tanks were filled and bleach was added to prevent contamination. We left the faucets open so there was room for expansion should water in the lines begin to freeze. The refrigerator was defrosted and cleaned. Our biggest and nastiest project was cleaning the bilge. It was Dwayne's turn to get the job done. Of course, Carla had to help some. Eventually, the bilge looked the best it has in months. All the thru-hulls were closed. Lastly, the dehumidifier was plugged in and the cabin fans turned on. The marina staff will keep on eye on Foreign Affair and check her interior weekly to make certain everything looks well while we are away.

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