Boca Chica Marina

We began settling in to our new surroundings by re-provisioning and meeting our new neighbors. Most of those around us have already been here for several months.  We are late-comers and are in a transient slip. The boat that was in our slip left the morning before our afternoon arrival on March 1. We are in a great location at the end of A Dock and our slip is the widest we have ever had making it easy to get into and out of when we decide to venture out with the boat.

One thing that might take a while to get used to is the constant air traffic.  Aircraft of all types land and take off at the airfield adjacent to the marina.  Most of the time it is fighter jets creating the most noise. They begin flying around 0700 and continue on into the night until around 2100 (9 PM).  It is as interesting as it is annoying.  Yesterday, some Canadian Air Force jets and their support teams arrived to participate in a week of training with the US military.  We've also seen some C130 cargo planes and an assortment of helicopters land and take off from the airfield.  One of our neighbors said we should be happy:  "We get a free air show every day, all day!"

Fighter Jet Mast High in Boca Chica NAS Marina

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