Crisfield and Smith Island

Smith Island Waterman's Boat and Crab Shack

Crisfield is the southern-most city in Maryland and was once the second largest city in the state with a population of over 27,000.  It was once indisputably the “Seafood Capital of the World”.  At the turn of the 20th Century there were more than 150 seafood processing plants in Crisfield.  Today, there are only 3 and the population is close to 2,700 or 1/10th of its peak census.  

Smith Island was permanently settled in 1686.  The only way to get to the island is by boat. Everything comes to and leaves the island by boat (including the mail).  All economic activity on the island is tied to the success of the waterman.  At its peak, the three towns on Smith Island had a combined population of about 800 compared to today’s 200 or so permanent inhabitants.  Most if not all of the Smith Islanders are Methodists and the annual camp meeting brings back many of those who left the island as a result in the decline of the seafood harvest.  Many of the older inhabitants speak with an accent peculiar to the island.  The official dessert of the State of Maryland is Smith Island Cake (a sweet 8 – 10 layer cake).

Island Belle Mailboat

Boat load of Trash for the Mainland

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