Wrightsville Beach to Swansboro

We were up at 0600 and on the move by 0615 so as to make the 0700 opening of the Wrightsville Beach Bridge which only opens on the hour between 0700 and 1900.  We arrived at the bridge in a timely manner and were on our way to Swansboro.  We passed through the Figure Eight Bridge at 0800 and the Surf City Bridge at 1100.  If you are not at the bridge at its scheduled opening, you wait up to an hour for the next scheduled opening.  We made sure we were at the bridges on time.  We bumped the bottom when we went through the New River Inlet at low tide but were able to power through the sandbar.  There was no delay at Camp Lejuene as training at the firing ranges on the ICW was not scheduled for the day.

Racing Canoe at Wrightsville

We dropped anchor at 1600 just before the wind and rain hit us hard.  Another sailboat rushed in to anchor within minutes of our arrival.  An hour later a third sailboat arrived and dropped anchor trying to find a place to ride out the storm.  The weather was going from bad to worse as the wind and rain increased in intensity.  A tornado watch was put into effect between 9 and midnight.  We all hoped our anchors would hold.  We experienced sustained winds in the twenties all night long with gusts in the thirties.  Carla remained awake on anchor watch until the tornado alert was cancelled.  Dwayne turned in early and slept until midnight before relieving Carla.  Dwayne remained on anchor watch for about an hour before deciding he could return to bed and rely on the anchor alarm to wake us if we began to drag anchor.  

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