Elizabeth City, NC

Patrol Boat - River (PBR)

We took a hike to the Pelican Marina which was about a half mile from Mariner’s Wharf with the intent of doing our laundry and taking showers.  We arrived at the marina at about 10:30 only to discover their marina office was closed on Sundays until noon.  So, we sat and waited.

There were two PBR (Patrol Boat, River) at the dock which was very surprising.  These boats were used by both the US Navy and Army on the rivers of Vietnam.  Now they are privately owned and patrol US waterways.  The marina manager who lives at the marina noticed our interest in the boats and came out to the dock to share what he knew of the boats and their histories.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrol_Boat,_River

He also opened the showers.  We were not able to get the laundry done since we had no laundry soap and there was none for sale at the laundromat.

Dwayne and George from Valiant toted their 5 gallon diesel cans to the nearby gas station to get diesel for the boats as there was no marina in the area with fuel pumps.  It took two trips to top off the tanks.

The Elizabeth City “Rose Buddies” hosted a wonderful reception for us serving wine, beer and heavy hors d' ouevres.  The ladies were each given a red rose as is tradition.  The “Rose Buddies” began welcoming boaters to Elizabeth City in 1983 and have continuously presented roses to the ladies aboard vessels stopping overnight.

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