Fort Pierce to Vero Beach

We slept in and still arrived at our destination before noon.  We covered all of 13 miles today. Foreign Affair and Enough headed into Vero Beach for resupply and maintenance.  We refueled, pumped out our holding tanks, filled our water tanks, did our grocery shopping, showered and did our laundry. Hakuna Matata continued on to Cocoa to spend the evening with Tom and Christina of Tadhana who were also with us and served as co-leaders for the SAIL ICW Rally.

Rafting with Paul

Vero Beach has a large municipal mooring field and vibrant cruising community.  It is the only mooring field we know of which allows boats to raft together on a mooring.  We called to reserve a mooring ball and were told we'd have to raft because all the balls were occupied.  Fortunately, a ball became free just prior to our 1230 arrival and we were able to raft together.  Paul did a great job of getting on the ball single handed.  We rafted with no problems. Thunder and lightning began at about 2100.  We were glad to be on a the ball rather than anchored.

Vero Beach Mooring Field

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