Off to the Races - Gulfstream Park

We went to Gulfstream Park for the horse races and had a wonderful time despite losing $22.00. Cheap entertainment when you figure you didn't have to pay for parking or admission.  Parking alone at a NFL game is $20.00.  The entire Gulfstream complex is amazing.  Upscale restaurants with outdoor seating provide a view of the paddock.  Stadium seating around the paddock and large screen videos of the track and odds allow you to sit away from the action on the track yet be aware of what is happening on the track.  Of course, the track itself is beautifully manicured.  Overall, this is so much a better setting than any horse race tracks of the past.  The big disappointment is the lack of a grandstand packed with a rowdy crowd.  The excitement and emotional outbursts were lacking compared to those experienced when horse racing was at its height in popularity.  Still, we had a great day despite having only one winning wager.  We were close on several races but no cigar.  We will have to come back when they finish the water fountain at the Pegasus statue.  We want to see the dragon spewing fire while the water spouts dance to Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca".

Carla at Gulfstream Park
No Need for Binoculars - Big HD Screen Works Better
Pegasus and the Dragon (11 Stories High) - Gulfstream Park

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